lonza nucleofector 2b电转液
lonza nucleofector 2b电转液是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理lonza nucleofector 2b电转液
X-tremeGENE HP DNA 转染试剂
X-tremeGENE HP DNA Transfection Reagent is a multi-component reagent that forms a complex with DNA , then transports the complex into animal or insect cells.
FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent
FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent is a 100% synthetic, proprietary blend of lipids and other components supplied in 80% ethanol, 0.1um sterile-filtered, and packaged in glass -vials. It does not contain
lonza nucleofector 2b核转试剂盒
lonza nucleofector 2b核转试剂盒是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平公司专业代理lonza nucleofector 2b核转试剂盒
Guaranteed virus production yields equivalent to R&D grade PEIpro. Manufactured according to a well-established process. Fully characterized product with extensive Quality Controls. Supplied with a
ScreenFect®A 转染试剂